
Jessica Brown

George Ochieng Odalo is the Executive Director and founder of Slum Child Foundation, based in Nairobi, Kenya. George Ochieng Odalo has extensive experience in social work and working with and on the protection of slum children and youth. Growing up as a slum/street child in Nairobi, George Ochieng Odalo is dedicated to helping children in similar situations and sees their potential. George Ochieng Odalo represents the voice of vulnerable children in the global drug policy debate. 
Furthermore, George Ochieng Odalo was one of the invited speakers at the civil society hearing in the preparations for the United Nations General Assembly Special Session for the World Drug Problem 2016 (UNGASS 2016). He has been invited as a speaker in the various forum around the world as he shares the best practices of what they do with young people in Kenya. He has also participated in various Commission on Narcotic Drugs including the Ministerial Segment on World Drug Problem in 2019.

As a result, his commitment to the Drug Control prevention work George Ochieng Odalo was elected to Chairs the East Africa Network for Prevention and treatment Substance use and Alcohol regional body of CSO working in East Africa for prevention and treatment of Drugs and Alcohol with the Support from World Federation Against Drugs. He also Chairs the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Practitioners Association of Kenya.

He was nominated as one of the technical officers in the technical committee that spearheaded the development and production of the National Guidelines on Alcohol and Drug use Prevention in Kenya.

In addition to the above-mentioned achievements, He was the convener of the Africa Civil Society Common Position on Drugs, a consensus document developed by Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from around Africa, signed by nearly 100 African CSOs building upon the International and regional commitment on drug control. The Document was launched on the sidelines of the 2020 Commission on Narcotics Drugs and looking forward to presenting it to African Union Member states during their Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on health and drug Control later this year.